Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Leaving the ICU

The day Noah was born he was in the ICU. First, he was in the NICU at Primary Childrens Hospital. Then, after being life flighted to Denver, he's been in the CICU (Cardiac ICU) at The Children's Hospital. Well, no more. Yesterday He was transfered OUT of the ICU to a regular in-patient room (he gets his own since he's a transplant patient). Its always been hard to know that my baby was the sickest one on the floor but now he's not. He's doing so well that the Transplant Coordinator thinks he'll be released by Friday. He's off the CPAP and the only meds left are the ones he'll come home on. They removed the pacer wires and he's been eating from a bottle for 2 days. (Yes, I've gotten to feed him!!) This week I will have to learn all his medications and the exact times he has to take them. I'll learn what rejection looks like, though I hope I never see it. And I'll get to hold and feed him everyday. I'm just so happy he's doing so well. Its hard to believe he can be so healthly with no immune system and a whole new heart beating in his chest. The Lords works mighty miracles!!

On a sad note, my kitty Ginger died Sunday. Our neighbor found her in our garage. I felt so silly being so sad about a cat when my son is doing so well, but I guess everything has its place and its ok to grieve for something that I love.

And for those interested in Lilly, she is doing well. She's very happy her Daddy is here. She isn't sleeping very well but who can when we are all sharing a room? Her newest cuteness? She puts her hand up to her mouth and says 'All aboard!'. She also tells us to sleep 'pretend sleep' then she lays down and makes snoring noises. She is just the cutest thing ever. Her birthday is Sunday and she'll be 2 years old. I just can't believe how fast she has grown. She has brought me joy every day since she was born and she's going to be a wonderful big sister.

1 comment:

  1. I would be interested in what meds he is on. We are on two antirejection meds: Cellcept and Prograf. I remember how scared I was when we brought Kayden home and how I needed to make sure that he stayed healthy. My doctor told us not to go overboard because it is good that he does get things to start building up his immune system again. It does take him a little longer to get over things because he is immune suppressed, but it isn't as scary as what I thought it would be. Just remember that you have a whole team of people that you can call and ask questions at any time. I rely on our transplant nurse and doctor a lot and they are so nice to help out all the time. I am sure that everything will work out and thanks for keeping us updated I love to read how things are for you guys compared to how things are for Kayden even though it is different organs, it is very similar as to how I felt during things also.


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