In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
After my car accident, I tried to learn something from the experience. I walked away with many lessons but the biggest thing I learned was Gratitude.
Becoming a Heart Mother was a totally different experience but, again, I tried very hard to try and learn something valuable.
When Shane and I were faced with decisions regarding Noah's care and then having to decide where to send him to wait for his new heart, we felt like we were making decisions we couldn't make alone. Our son's life depended on these decisions and we would have to live with the outcome. That's a VERY big responsibility to carry.
Shane and I knew we couldn't make these decisions alone.
We went and found an empty conference room and along with my Dad and a very good family friend we knelt down together and asked our Heavenly Father to help Shane and I make the VERY important decision on where Noah needed to go. After we sought the inspiration from the Lord, Shane and I went and found a private and quiet area and started working through it.
Earlier in the day we had, for the most part, decided that Loma Linda was the place to go. But as we sat there talking it through, we could not shake the feeling that Denver was were he belonged. We asked, we got our answer, and the only thing left was to follow through. We sent Noah to Denver.
12 days later Noah got his new heart.
I know, without a doubt, that when I ask the Lord for guidance in the decisions I make, the things I do, the challenges I am faced with, He will be there.
When I ask my Heavenly Father to help me, I know He will. I take great comfort in knowing that as long as I am trying my best and asking my God to walk with me, He will show me the path.

This is a duplicate post from my personal blog Memoirs of a Mommy. But due to the subject matter, I felt it worth enough to share on Noah's Adventure as well. If you are a reader of both, forgive me for the repeat.