Please check out all of our Christmas Pictures over at Memoirs of a Mommy.

With Much Love, Crystal at 4:29 PM 0 Shared the Love
When Noah was born I had no idea he had a heart problem. I had anticipated something since I was being induced early but I wasn't worried. So when I was told he had a very worrisome heart murmur and Life Flight was on the way it was like being slapped.
During my first prenatal ultra sound I remember seeing his little heart. It struck me as being different than Lilly's had been. With Lilly her heart had looked perfect with a strong rhythmic beat. Noah's somehow seemed off. Maybe it was weaker or the beat was off. But it was enough of something to catch my eye. I asked the technician if his heart was okay and was told it was. Everything was fine.
Now I know it wasn't. I often wondered why it was caught early. Did they just not look closely enough? Was it something that even could have been seen?
I know it doesn't matter in the long run. The problem was there. It couldn't have been fixed even if we had known about it. We found out in enough time and thanks to a very loving family, Noah received a new heart and is doing great.
I can tell you though, that the next time we have a baby, I'm getting a fetal echo and doing all the testing. Why? Because I've decided that I don't like surprises. Not one bit. I would much rather prepare myself for what is ahead.
And yet, I know surprises will come. And I will face them with whatever strength is required. Because sometimes the pictures do lie.
With Much Love, Crystal at 8:31 PM 1 Shared the Love
Know what that means?
It means Noah is gave me the greatest Christmas present this year.
Noah is WALKING!!
He just gets up and goes. He is also crawling up and down the stairs as being downstairs is his most favorite place in the world. He is jabbering more with lots of gaaa's and laaa's and back of the throat noises. He likes to play bye bye where he waves and says bye then crawls around the corner. Then he comes back and does it again. He even comes up to me and says ickle while he tries to tickle me.
He went from nada to yada almost over night. It's wonderful to see him make such progress. He is SO full of personality.
I am so thankful that he is here with us. It's just one of those things I don't take for granted.
I love how he gives me kisses every night while I say prayers with him. He just plants them on me the entire time. I love how he face plants himself on the floor when he is trying to show off. I love how I can't go into the bathroom alone because he MUST come in and make sure their isn't water in the tub to play with. And I love how every time he has his shirt off he rubs his little budda belly all gentle like.
I remember last year we hadn't been home from Denver very long. Noah had just had surgery to remove his yucky gallbladder and appendix and we had been in and out of the ER and hospital. And, even though at the time I didn't know it, we were about to spend a few days in there again for RSV.
This year, he seems to be staying fairly healthy even though he does have a runny nose and a cough. His nebulizer helps the cough. I've been sick and Lilly is super sick and yet *crossing my fingers* he's done okay ever since his Fifth's breakout over Halloween.
He loves toys and I can't wait to see how he reacts tomorrow morning.
I am very mindful of his Donor Family this night. They are never far from my mind but I know this is only the 2nd Christmas without their precious baby. And while I still don't know who they are I grieve for their loss. I know the price that was paid to have Noah here with me.
So to our Donor Family, our Family, our Friends, and our Readers... Merry Christmas!
Much Love,
With Much Love, Crystal at 11:46 PM 4 Shared the Love
I am taking Noah up to PCMC tomorrow to get his first Synagis shot of the season.
I am so thankful he was approved for it again. He was so sick last year when he got RSV (even after getting the shots) that I hate to think how sick he might get if he got it again WITHOUT the shot this time.
And you all know that we haven't exactly been the example of health so far this year. Right now I'm just hoping he doesn't catch the bronchitis I came down with.
It sort of makes me laugh though... because I know people don't believe me when I say how often I am at the hospital. But we really do go there a ton. Doctor appointments, labs, follow ups, procedures... and that's just the icing on the cake.
It's all good though.
P.S. You probably all know this but just incase you don't, you can read all about our daily adventures (including updates on the rest of the family) over at my personal blog Memoirs of a Mommy. I try to keep Noah's Adventure to just the story of Noah's .... Adventure. LOL
With Much Love, Crystal at 11:21 PM 2 Shared the Love